Welcome to Saint John the Baptist Orthodox Church. For those wishing to visit us, the physical address of our historic chapel is:
11199 Angleberger Road, Thurmont, MD 21788
in the unincorporated village of Lewistown, Maryland (just 10 minutes north of Frederick). We are a Western Rite parish of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America in the Diocese of Charleston, Oakland, and the Mid-Atlantic.
We endeavor to bring the ancient Faith of Christ and the Apostles to the people of Frederick County and beyond. Our members include former Protestants, Roman Catholics, and the unchurched who have discovered the treasures of Holy Orthodoxy and the richness of a sacramental life in Christ. Above the splendor, beauty, and solemnity of ancient Christian worship, we proclaim, teach, and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ: Who He is; what He has done; and what He expects of His followers (the essence of the Good News)!
Browse our website and learn more about us. And finally, please visit our historic chapel for a Sunday Mass, or for our upcoming special weekday services that are posted on the adjacent calendar. We invite you to discover for yourself why people from all walks of life have found themselves drawn to the Faith that has remained a bastion of unwavering holiness for 2,000 years. In the words of Saint Philip, "Come and see." (John 1:46).
Yours in Christ,
Father James K. Hamrick,